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Scottish Labour MPs should put their money where their mouth is on the two-child cap

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The two child cap must go – and it must go now. It’s now on Scottish Labour MPs to do the right thing.

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SNP will stand up for Scotland while Labour MPs stand meekly behind Starmer

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The SNP can promise your community what other parties can’t. We don’t want to form a government, get ministerial promotions or hog the Westminster spotlight. We’re in this for the right reasons.

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Keir Starmer is suffocating any sense of enthusiasm in this general election

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Stephen Flynn warns an incoming Labour government could mean Scotland losing out on billions in public spending, in his column for the Daily Record.

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Stephen Flynn’s closing statement to the ITV Election Debate

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Read Stephen Flynn’s full closing statement to the ITV General Election Debate, 13th June.

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The SNP will not give Keir Starmer a free pass to inflict more public service cuts

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We all want rid of this rotten Tory government and their cruel, incompetent policies. SNP MPs will ensure a Labour one doesn’t give us more of the same.

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This coming election will be a clear choice – who do you really trust to deliver?

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The SNP will always put Scotland first, going above and beyond to deliver. Can we honestly say the Tories and Labour will do the same?

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The SNP is Scotland’s voice – defending Scotland’s interests and values

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At the general election, only a vote for the SNP will be a vote to stand up for Scotland’s values, defend Scotland’s interests, and advance Scotland’s much-needed journey to independence.

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Westminster is failing the people of Gaza by blocking a meaningful ceasefire vote

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Yet again, Westminster is failing the people of Gaza by blocking a vote on the urgent action the UK government must take to help make an immediate ceasefire happen.

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Westminster stitch-up blocks SNP ceasefire vote

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Westminster blocked the chance at a straight ceasefire vote due to the actions of the Speaker and the Labour Party.

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We want peace – the UK government is failing to co-operate, this is why the SNP is calling on an immediate ceasefire

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If we give up on that quest for peace, then just what else are we prepared to give up on? It is for these reasons that the SNP are putting forward a parliamentary vote to the Commons, tomorrow.

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Stephen Flynn’s address to #SNP23 Conference

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Read SNP Westminster Leader Stephen Flynn’s address to #SNP23 Conference in Aberdeen.

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When Labour promise change it really means much more of the same

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Only the SNP are up to the job of delivering real hope and change for Scotland

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Brexit is making families in Rutherglen and Hamilton West poorer

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It’s never been clearer that Brexit is fuelling the UK’s cost-of-living crisis and making households in Rutherglen and Hamilton West poorer.

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What is the point of Labour if Starmer won’t scrap cruel Tory policies?

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What is the point of Labour, if they can’t even commit to scrapping the two-child cap and abhorrent rape clause?

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SNP budget plan would reduce energy bills, boost pay for workers, and deliver a stronger path to economic growth

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Stephen Flynn outlines the SNP’s five-point plan for the UK Budget, which would reduce household bills, boost the pay of millions of workers, and deliver a strong path to sustained economic growth.

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Root-and-branch reforms needed to tackle MP’s outside earnings scandal

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It’s disgraceful that senior members of the Tory party are raking in millions, while seeking to deny fair pay for working people suffering from thirteen years of Tory cuts, Brexit, and the Westminster-made cost of living crisis.