SNP will stand up for Scotland while Labour MPs stand meekly behind Starmer

After 14 disastrous years, the Tories have utterly imploded.

They’ve slashed our public services to the bone, torn us out the EU, served up a cost of living crisis along with a sorry succession of Prime Ministers who’ve degraded everything from standards in public office to the UK’s economic credibility.

That’s why the result of the election in England is a foregone conclusion – Sir Keir Starmer is home and hosed and he will be the next Prime Minister of the UK.

But despite the Tories record of ruin, the Labour Party are preparing to follow in their footsteps.

Rather than offering a path to economic growth, investment in public services and a route back to Europe, the Labour Party has adopted Tory spending plans that will bake in £18bn worth of cuts while echoing Tory anti-immigrant rhetoric and doubling down on broken, Brexit Britain.

After years of Tory austerity, our NHS and public services are crying out for real investment. It is stating the blinding obvious though that you can’t fix our public services by signing up to more Westminster spending cuts. But that’s exactly what Sir Keir has done.

For voters in England, I’m not surprised so many find it hard to see a choice to make.

But, here in Scotland the election is on a knife edge and Scots have a very clear choice to make.

The choice voters in Scotland have is do you send Labour Party MPs who will stand meekly behind Sir Keir Starmer, or do you send SNP MPs who will stand up to Starmer and put Scotland’s interests first at every turn?

On the table for Scotland now is whether we give Starmer a free pass to impose more cuts, more Brexit, and more of the same – or elect a strong team of SNP MPs who’ll hold the Labour Party to account and always put Scotland first.

The SNP has been an independent voice among the major parties; we’ve stood alone in demanding a return to the EU, an end to the two-child cap, investment in public services and a ceasefire in Gaza with an end to arms sales to Israel.

And most importantly of all, the Westminster parties continue to deny us a democratic choice over our own future. Make no mistake, every single vote for a Westminster party, will be a vote weighed against independence. A very sobering thought.

Let’s be clear, when it comes to all of these issues, Westminster doesn’t want to know.

That’s why we will put the guts into a future Starmer government, always putting Scotland first in a Westminster parliament that will always put Scotland last. 

The power of democracy is that you decide what happens next. No party, no politician and no newspaper gets to decide for you. As always, it’s your choice – its Scotland’s decision and Scotland’s future is on the ballot.

If you believe austerity should come to an end, if you believe Brexit has been disastrous and if you believe Scotland should have a say over her own future then it’s on the ballot on 4th July.

Vote SNP on July 4th and put Scotland’s interests first.