My Articles
Independence is the only way to keep Scotland safe from Tory cuts
The Tory cost of living crisis, compounded by a damaging Brexit and austerity, shows how Westminster simply isn’t working for Scotland.
Boris Johnson’s ‘nobody told me’ party defence slammed as ludicrous
Boris Johnson’s comments that nobody told him that his boozy lockdown party was against the rules are utterly staggering.
Scotland is on a different path to Boris Johnson’s Tories
The Queen’s Speech completely failed to deliver the investment and fundamental change we need, and instead the Tories are imposing long-term damage of cuts, Brexit and a power grab against Scotland’s will.
The Chancellor cannot row back on our recovery from the pandemic with a return to austerity
As the Chancellor prepares his Red Box, it must contain the measures set out in the SNP’s five-point plan for the road to recovery.
Scotland faces a choice of two futures
It is essential that the Chancellor rules out a return to Tory austerity cuts and delivers a major fiscal stimulus of at least £98billion, the equivalent of five per cent of GDP, to lay the foundations of an investment-led recovery.
Ian Blackford’s address to #SNP20 conference
My message to all of us is this: Keep heart, keep the heid and keep the faith. The plan is set, the path is before us. The chance to choose an independent future for Scotland is coming.
The Chancellor must deliver a serious package to kickstart the economy
With the UK facing the threat of an extreme Brexit and a growing Tory unemployment crisis, Rishi Sunak must take real action in his Spending Review.
SNP will put the case for independence at the centre of the election
The chaos of Brexit highlighted just how dysfunctional Westminster really is, and how no price is too high for the Tory fanatics’ dangerous ideology.
Ian Blackford’s address to #SNP19
A stunning new poll from the Sunday Times shows support for Independence up at 50% – with the SNP projected to make gains across Scotland – and a clear majority believing that Scotland’s economy will be better off with independence.
Opposition parties must unite to bring down Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson sought to silence Parliament and shut down democracy, so that he and his Vote Leave cronies could railroad us to economic devastation. He must resign or be removed from office immediately.
We stand ready to protect our democracy and stop Boris Johnson in his tracks
Scotland must not pay the price of a no-deal Brexit, a hard-right Tory obsession for which Boris Johnson has no mandate. We will work with others in Parliament to stop Johnson in his tracks.
MPs must unite to fight Boris Johnson’s assault on democracy
Boris Johnson is shutting down Parliament to impose a catastrophic no-deal Brexit without a mandate. This brazen attack on democracy highlights just how broken Westminster is.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be a disaster for Scotland
In the face of yet another disastrous Tory Prime Minister we didn’t vote for, it’s no wonder a majority of people in Scotland now want a fresh independence referendum.
Scotland is right to move ahead on trans equality
We have a serious problem with transphobia in Scotland and it is one that we need to face up to. Respecting the identity of trans people is a core part of that.
Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt, it’s the worst of both worlds for Scotland
Scotland’s future must be decided by the people of Scotland, not by a self-serving Tory feud.
The route to Brexit Britain is a road to ruin for Scotland
Scotland must not be held hostage by a Tory Party consumed by chaos and occupied by careerists. Scotland must have a choice over the direction of its future.
List of Tory leadership contenders should fill Scotland with fear
Many of the candidates to be the next Prime Minister express utter disdain for Scotland and will drag us out of the EU in an act of economic self-harm.
Brexit hardliners will damage Scotland to please Tory shires
As the Tories lurch further to the extremes, it’s clear Westminster and Scotland are on diverging paths. We can choose a better future with independence – and that choice must be ours to make.
Scotland’s future must not be left in the hands of Boris Johnson and Co.
The prospect of another hard-right Tory Prime Minister highlights the need for the people of Scotland to have a choice. Scotland’s future must be in Scotland’s hands – not those of Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage.
We can halt Brexit and save ourselves from Boris Johnson
On Thursday, Scotland has a choice – vote for parties that have ignored Scotland throughout this Brexit chaos, or vote SNP to protect Scotland’s place in Europe.
Time to send a clear message: Scotland will not be ignored
This year’s European Elections are the most important in Scotland’s history. We must send an unequivocal message that Scotland must be kept at the heart of Europe, where it belongs.
A vote for the SNP is a vote to put the brakes on Brexit
On May 23, let us send a clear message to the EU that Scotland is a proud European nation, and let us send an equally unequivocal message to Westminster that Scotland rejects the increasingly inward-looking politics of the Tories.
Polls show people want change from failed Westminster system
The system is broken and any pretence of an ‘equal partnership’ in the UK is gone.
Scotland deserves the choice of a better future than Brexit Britain – that choice must be ours to make.
Ian Blackford’s address to conference
“Westminster is dragging us down the path to economic disaster. The people of Scotland deserve the choice of a better future than Brexit Britain”. Read Ian’s full speech to #SNP19 here.
Brexit chaos shows that time is fast approaching for Scotland to forge its own future
Scotland will not be held hostage by a Tory Government more interested in putting its fractured party interests above all else. Scotland deserves better and must be given the choice to decide its future.