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John Swinney
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The SNP will protect and enhance the rights of LGBT people

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FM John Swinney: “To LGBT people in our society, the Scottish Government is on their side, we have been on their side and we will be on their side for years to come.”

Humza Yousaf at FMQs
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We’re investing in Scotland, despite Tory cuts

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We’ve put more money into our NHS and schools. That’s why the SNP have lifted an estimated 100,000 children in Scotland out of poverty.

Humza Yousaf delivering a speech
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Scotland’s energy must benefit the people of Scotland

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Only with independence can Scotland drive forward the investment needed for a Just Transition to Net Zero, support our oil and gas industry and capitalise on green energy.

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Scottish taxpayers are still paying the price for Labour’s PFI

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We’re working hard to build a fairer Scotland – with policies like the Scottish Child Payment, expanded free childcare and a new social security system. Meanwhile, Scottish taxpayers are still forced to pay the toxic PFI debt from Labour’s time in government.

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The UK’s Illegal Migration Bill is cruel and unnecessary

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The UK’s Illegal Immigration Bill threatens to strip away basic human rights from children fleeing persecution. We will oppose this abhorrent bill at every step.

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We will always defend Scotland’s democracy

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The Tories are intent on taking the Scottish Parliament’s powers away, as Lord Frost revealed. We will always defend Scotland’s democracy.

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Our plan to tackle poverty and build a fairer Scotland

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Humza Yousaf has set out his vision for government. A fairer, more equal Scotland is possible – together, we’ll work hard to build it.

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Let’s not just mitigate austerity, let’s end it

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Labour prefers to keep Scotland tied to Westminster control – with Brexit, austerity and sky-high energy bills. We prefer to unleash Scotland’s potential with independence.

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We will build a more progressive future for Scotland

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Whether Scotland has been your home for a day or for ten generations no matter who you are, this is your home.

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The UK’s inhumane approach to asylum needs to stop

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The UK Tory government’s xenophobic policies are not in Scotland’s name.

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Westminster Tories are a growing threat to the Scottish Parliament

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Westminster isn’t just intent on attacking devolution and the Scottish Parliament.

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A Budget for a fairer, greener, more progressive Scotland

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By asking those on higher incomes to pay their fair share, we’re investing in stronger public services and building a fairer, more equal Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon at Bute House
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The whole Westminster system is broken

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Just 0.2% of the UK will choose a new Tory Prime Minister, yet they think that they can deny the democratic will of the people of Scotland.

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The UK government’s callous disregard for the misery families are facing

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Instead of tackling the Tory cost of living crisis, Rishi Sunak simply squirrelled money away for pre-election bribes. The only way to protect household budgets from the Tories is with independence.

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Despite limited powers, we’re helping families with living costs

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While Tories impose cuts on low-income families, we’re putting money into families’ pockets. With limited powers, we’ve introduced the Scottish Child Payment and built a new, fairer social security system.

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The UK government’s refugee response is not good enough

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While all EU countries opened their doors to Ukrainian refugees without requiring visas, the UK government refused. Scotland stands ready to welcome refugees, but the UK Tories must step up.

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Asylum seekers deserve protection, not punishment

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Scotland is a welcoming country – but the Tory ‘hostile environment’ policies on asylum and migration are failing us all.

Nicola Sturgeon at FMQs
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Scotland leads the world by example on climate action

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Scotland established the world’s first Climate Justice Fund, which we’re now doubling. We also became the first nation in the world to contribute funding for loss and damage, earning praise from the UN.

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UK government are undermining Scotland’s efforts to tackle climate change

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This week, the UN praised Scotland’s work on climate change and Net Zero targets. The Tory UK Government’s decision to break their promises and abandon “shovel-ready” carbon capture projects in Scotland undermines that work.

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Scotland can properly tackle poverty with independence

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Our campaign to reverse Tory cuts continues, but only independence will truly protect those on the lowest incomes – as Emma Harper MSP in the South of Scotland explains in our latest Channel 4 political slot.

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The Tories have failed to stand up for Scotland, again

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The UK government promised Scotland a carbon capture and storage plant, and broke that promise. Yet again, the Scottish Tories proved they’re unable to stand up for Scotland.

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Scotland can set a strong example at COP26

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World leaders must step up to avert climate catastrophe. Scotland is ready to lead by example at COP26.

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We must defeat misogyny and sexism across all of our society

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Nicola Sturgeon: “I hope we’re finally at a watershed moment and a turning point where we stop expecting women to fix these problems, and put the full glare where it belongs – on men who behave in a deeply unacceptable and misogynistic way.”

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Tory hypocrisy on children’s rights exposed

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The Scottish Parliament united in passing the UNCRC Bill to strengthen children’s rights. The UK government then took the Scottish Government to court to strike it down.

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Tories are in denial about the impact of Brexit

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This Tory MSP tried to suggest that the damaging consequences of Brexit weren’t of the UK government’s making. He didn’t expect Angus Robertson’s response…

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Tory Universal Credit will push more people into poverty

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All parties in the Scottish Parliament united to reject the cruel Universal Credit cut that will push thousands into poverty. All parties apart from one – the Scottish Tories.

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Labour support the damaging Tory Brexit

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Scotland is paying a heavy price for a Brexit that Labour and Tories are now united in supporting. It’s time to choose a different future.

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Boris Johnson’s Universal Credit cut is hitting the most vulnerable

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The Scottish Parliament. Anti-poverty charities. Children’s commissioners in all UK nations. All six former DWP secretaries since 2010. All united in opposing the Universal Credit cut.