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Scotland can look to Ireland for the opportunities independence brings

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Ireland’s budget shows up the stark difference between a bright, independent future in Europe and more misery under Westminster’s thumb. There’s no contest which future is best for Scotland.

Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament
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Revealed: the two faces of a Scottish Labour MP

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Starmer and Sarwar put their credibility on the line to get them elected. Now we can reveal the Scottish Labour MPs who called on the Tories to help pensioners in winter – before voting to strip them of their allowance as soon as they reached the Commons.

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Sir Keir Starmer has sold Austerity Anas down the river

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Anas Sarwar’s MPs don’t listen to him and his boss ignores his views. Labour’s Scottish branch is being seen for what it really is – a fraud.

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It’s crunch time: do Labour MPs serve Scotland or Starmer?

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“Read my lips – no austerity under Labour” said Scottish Labour’s boss Anas Sarwar. As the first key vote looms, will Labour MPs stand up for Scotland or Sir Keir Starmer?

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The SNP is for Scotland

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We’ve got what it takes – to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland.

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How to watch the SNP National Conference 2024

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SNP Conference kicks off this weekend – here’s all you need to know about following the Conference online and keeping up to date with the latest developments.

Scottish Parliament
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The truth about Scotland’s budget – and Labour’s plan to slash it

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“Read my lips” Anas Sarwar said when he denied Labour austerity. But Westminster spending cuts will ravage Scotland’s budget … and Labour will be responsible.

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A greener, more prosperous Scotland: how the SNP is delivering on our clean energy ambitions

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Here’s all you need to know about how the SNP is building a more sustainable future for all of us to look forward to.

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Delivering for businesses: Starmer should look to Scotland for lessons on success

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The SNP is delivering growth and economic success – while Westminster is poised to revert to basics and cut to the bone.

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Day in, day out: How your SNP Government is working for you

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The Scottish Government is leading the way; delivering on people’s priorities and powering ahead with the change Scotland needs.

EU flag
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Why is Northern Ireland’s economy powering ahead of Britain? Because of Brexit.

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Britain’s sluggish economy is the legacy of Westminster’s recklessly hard Brexit. Scotland can do so much better.

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It’s Labour’s two child cap now

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From voting down attempts to reduce child poverty to embracing Tory austerity policies, it’s clear Labour won’t bring the change that was promised.

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SNP tables amendment to scrap the two-child cap

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This Labour government is pushing thousands of children into poverty. It’s time for Scotland’s Labour MPs to decide – do their loyalties lie with Keir Starmer or the people of Scotland?

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Child poverty is a national scandal – Labour is ignoring it

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Labour has shown that for Sir Keir’ Starmer’s government, the scourge of child poverty simply isn’t a priority. For the SNP, tackling it is one of our driving missions.

View of the Hydro concert arena and SECC exhibition centre
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It’s the SNP delivering the change Glasgow needs

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The SNP understands the challenges facing Scotland’s largest city – while Labour takes Glasgow for granted, we’re knuckling down to deliver.

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Scottish Labour endorses Westminster’s NHS privatisation

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Labour’s leadership in Scotland has backed plans for privatisation – and suggested similar plans should be extended to Scotland.

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Only the SNP offers a better future. But we need to vote for it.

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From free tuition to public service reform to the game-changing Scottish Child Payment, the SNP has changed Scotland for the better. Let’s carry on with the progress we’ve made together.

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NHS consultant: SNP manifesto is “what many wanted Labour to deliver”

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This election has made it clearer than ever that our precious NHS isn’t safe in the hands of Westminster – whether it’s Labour or the Tories.

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Half-price energy, broadband & mobile bills with SNP’s social tariff

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A strong team of SNP MPs will put forward plans for a social tariff to drive down energy, broadband and mobile bills for the most hard pressed consumers – delivering discounted bills for people who are on a low income, disabled or elderly.

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Only the SNP can beat the Tories in Westminster seats across Scotland

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The Tories are finished – but only the SNP can defeat them in constituencies across the country.

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Starmer needs emergency budget to abolish two-child benefit cap

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Labour must end its embrace of heinous Tory policies that keep children in poverty – and do the right thing.

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In the face of threats from Labour, the SNP will always protect free tuition

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Education should always be based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay.

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Protect Scotland’s NHS from Sir Keir Starmer’s privatisation plans

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Labour have been open about their plans for our precious NHS. Westminster’s mistakes shouldn’t be imposed on Scotland against our will.

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Experts confirm Sir Keir Starmer’s plans for spending cuts

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The experts are clear; Keir Starmer is not being straight with Scottish voters about Westminster’s looming spending cuts.

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‘Ignoring Brexit is making election most dishonest in modern times’

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Brexit has played havoc with Scotland’s economy – and neither Labour nor the Tories are willing to admit it.

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John Swinney’s opening statement to the BBC Scottish Leaders’ Debate

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Read the full opening statement from First Minister and SNP leader John Swinney.

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Labour can run but not hide on their Tory cuts agenda

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Labour must be honest with public about the reality of Westminster rule – and the cost of their Tory fiscal plans.

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Westminster politicians are failing on the fight against poverty

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1 in 6 people in the UK live in poverty – a damning indictment of Westminster’s inaction and the broken status quo.