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SNP 2024 Manifesto: Our plan for real change

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We deserve better than the Westminster status quo. The SNP has a bold plan for real change – a fairer, wealthier future, made in Scotland.

Composite picture, on top is RB Cunninghame-Graham addressing a rally, below is a gathering of early SNP founders and below that is a graphic from one of the first SNP Conferences
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Now’s the time and now’s the hour

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This year, the SNP is 90. From the early days when independence seemed a distant dream, to now, where our nation’s independence is within reach. Now’s the time and now’s the hour to be part of Scotland’s story.

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Hands off Scotland’s powers!

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In 2014, Scotland was promised more powers and a “partnership of equals”. Now, the Tories – who want to “reverse” devolution – are imposing a Westminster power grab and attacking Holyrood.

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Scottish taxpayers are still paying the price for Labour’s PFI

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We’re working hard to build a fairer Scotland – with policies like the Scottish Child Payment, expanded free childcare and a new social security system. Meanwhile, Scottish taxpayers are still forced to pay the toxic PFI debt from Labour’s time in government.

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Let’s get out there and make the case for a better Scotland

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One month into Humza Yousaf’s leadership, we’re working hard to tackle poverty and grow our wellbeing economy. This weekend, let’s get out there, chap the doors, and make the case for a better Scotland.

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The UK’s Illegal Migration Bill is cruel and unnecessary

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The UK’s Illegal Immigration Bill threatens to strip away basic human rights from children fleeing persecution. We will oppose this abhorrent bill at every step.

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Voting Labour gives the Tories what they want

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Scotland deserves better than a pale imitation of the Tories.

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Our plan to tackle poverty and build a fairer Scotland

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Humza Yousaf has set out his vision for government. A fairer, more equal Scotland is possible – together, we’ll work hard to build it.

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Let’s move forward, together

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Together, let’s unite and take the decisive steps on our journey to independence. Watch Humza’s video message.

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Let’s not just mitigate austerity, let’s end it

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Labour prefers to keep Scotland tied to Westminster control – with Brexit, austerity and sky-high energy bills. We prefer to unleash Scotland’s potential with independence.

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We will build a more progressive future for Scotland

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Whether Scotland has been your home for a day or for ten generations no matter who you are, this is your home.

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A Budget for a fairer, greener, more progressive Scotland

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By asking those on higher incomes to pay their fair share, we’re investing in stronger public services and building a fairer, more equal Scotland.

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On May 5, elect your SNP local champions

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Nicola Sturgeon: “The elections on May 5 are your chance to cast a vote for SNP councillors who’ll work tirelessly for local communities and local services. It’s also Scotland’s opportunity to cast a verdict on Tory policies that leave Scots struggling.”

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Westminster mismanagement punishes Scottish renewables

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Energy providers in Scotland are forced to pay the highest transmission charges in Europe, set at Westminster.

We’re in a Tory cost of living crisis, and the UK government is punishing our renewable sector and failing to tackle soaring energy costs.

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Tories must U-turn on loans sending families into energy debt

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Tories partied throughout lockdown and now they’re partying through this cost of living crisis, ignoring the struggles people are facing.

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The UK government’s callous disregard for the misery families are facing

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Instead of tackling the Tory cost of living crisis, Rishi Sunak simply squirrelled money away for pre-election bribes. The only way to protect household budgets from the Tories is with independence.

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Tories have chosen poverty over tackling the cost of living crisis

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Rishi Sunak could have introduced an emergency package of support for families to help tackle this Tory cost of living crisis. Instead, he choose to bury his head in the sand and continue with his austerity agenda.

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UK government must introduce a windfall tax to help tackle the cost of living

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It’s time for the UK government to introduce a windfall tax. Large companies who made excessive profits must pay their share to help struggling families.

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Despite limited powers, we’re helping families with living costs

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While Tories impose cuts on low-income families, we’re putting money into families’ pockets. With limited powers, we’ve introduced the Scottish Child Payment and built a new, fairer social security system.

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The Tory cost of living crisis: explained

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Rising energy bills, rising food prices, tax hikes for working people and welfare cuts for the most vulnerable. This is the price we all pay for Westminster control.

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The UK government’s refugee response is not good enough

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While all EU countries opened their doors to Ukrainian refugees without requiring visas, the UK government refused. Scotland stands ready to welcome refugees, but the UK Tories must step up.

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Tories’ refugee response slowest and most incompetent in Europe

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The Tories’ response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis is a disgrace – creating the slowest, most bureaucratic and incompetent response in the whole of Europe.

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Asylum seekers deserve protection, not punishment

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Scotland is a welcoming country – but the Tory ‘hostile environment’ policies on asylum and migration are failing us all.

Nicola Sturgeon at FMQs
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Scotland leads the world by example on climate action

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Scotland established the world’s first Climate Justice Fund, which we’re now doubling. We also became the first nation in the world to contribute funding for loss and damage, earning praise from the UN.

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Hands off Scotland’s powers

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In 2014, Scotland was promised a “partnership of equals”. Now, Boris Johnson – who thinks devolution is a “disaster” – is pursuing a power grab and an assault on the Scottish Parliament.

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UK government are undermining Scotland’s efforts to tackle climate change

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This week, the UN praised Scotland’s work on climate change and Net Zero targets. The Tory UK Government’s decision to break their promises and abandon “shovel-ready” carbon capture projects in Scotland undermines that work.

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Scotland can properly tackle poverty with independence

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Our campaign to reverse Tory cuts continues, but only independence will truly protect those on the lowest incomes – as Emma Harper MSP in the South of Scotland explains in our latest Channel 4 political slot.

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Tories rip up anti-corruption rules at Westminster

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Today, Tories voted against suspending one of their own MPs after the standards committee found an “egregious” breach of corruption rules. It’s one rule for them, and another for the rest of us.