Policy Area
What is the SNP Scottish Government doing to promote breastfeeding?
We have worked hard to improve already high breastfeeding rates. After the UK-wide Infant Feeding survey was scrapped, the SNP Scottish Government introduced the Scottish Infant Feeding Survey to continue monitoring levels of breastfeeding. Scotland is the only country in the UK to have specific legislation in place that prevents discrimination against women who breastfeed…
What are the details for the SNP Scottish Government’s baby box scheme?
Scotland’s Baby Box aims to help tackle deprivation, improve health and support parents. We’re proud to introduce it in Scotland.
How does the SNP support pregnant women and new parents?
From the Baby Box to perinatal mental health, the SNP is supporting pregnant women and new parents.
What has the SNP done to address child poverty?
We have passed a Child Poverty Bill to introduce income based child poverty targets.
What is the SNP doing to improve childcare and early years education?
Education is the best route there is to giving everyone a fair start in life. This must start with the very youngest children. We will complete the expansion of free, high quality childcare to 1,140 hours – the same time a child spends in primary school – by August 2021. In the next Parliament we…