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Education & Training

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What will the SNP do to remove barriers to education?

No pupil should struggle to learn because of poverty. We will build a system to ensure equal access to the full package of education, breaking down financial barriers to make a real difference in the lives of children from low income families.

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How will the SNP close the school attainment gap?

Scotland has a good education system. But there’s much still to do. The life chances of our young people must not be determined by where they’re born, or what their background is.

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How are the SNP supporting children with additional support needs in school?

We want all children and young people to get the most out of the learning opportunities available to them, which means ensuring every young person is given an equal chance to fulfil their potential.

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How is the SNP improving the system that supports care experienced children and young people?

We want Scotland to have a care system that improves the outcomes and wellbeing of those it supports – and ensures that they grow up in loving environments. In 2016, the First Minister announced an independent, root and branch review of the care system to consider how we best give Scotland’s most vulnerable children the…

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How are the SNP Scottish Government supporting Higher Education?

The SNP Scottish Government has placed the principle of higher education based on the ability to learn not the ability to pay at the heart of what we believe and we will continue to fund our commitment to free tuition.

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What is the SNP’s position on tuition fees?

One of the very first acts of the new SNP Government was to restore Scotland’s historic tradition of free education and scrap tuition fees. We have always maintained that access to education should be based on the ability to learn not on the ability to pay.

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What has the SNP done for Scotland’s college students?

The SNP Government has spent more on Scotland’s colleges than Labour ever did. Since 2007, this SNP Government has allocated an investment of over £810 million in college estates. In government, we have also provided over 118,000 full-time equivalent Scottish Government funded college places. Full-time college students in Scotland can now benefit from the highest…

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What is the National Improvement Framework?

The National Improvement Framework will make sure that every child will have information about how they are progressing, teachers will have a clear understanding of the improvements required, and parents will have meaningful information about how their child is progressing. The introduction of national standardised assessments is not about narrowing the curriculum or forcing teachers…

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