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A strong team of SNP MPs will fight tooth and nail against Labour cuts

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Labour’s impending austerity will double down on the economic malaise that Westminster inflicts on these isles – surely Scotland deserves better?

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Their latest debacle says it all. Why should rural communities put up with more Tory chaos?

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Fighting for rural communities is in the SNP’s DNA. To Douglas Ross, they’re clearly a stepping stone to Westminster.

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Labour or Tory, cuts are the reality of Westminster control

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Both parties are flat out refusing to be straight about the nation’s finances, but it will be normal folk who end up paying the price.

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Only a vote for the SNP will boost our economy and put Scotland first

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The SNP is backing Scottish business and boosting our economy. Only a vote for the SNP will deliver the change Scotland really needs.

Mhairi Black with Kate Forbes
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Labour and the Tories are full of talk – it’s the SNP who will stand up for rural Scotland

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Starmer and Sunak will pay a flying visit and be gone in a blink. The SNP have been fighting for our rural communities for decades. It’s about trust – and rural voters can trust us to stand up for them.

Kate Forbes
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Why I left the backbenches to join John Swinney’s cabinet

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As Deputy First Minister I can help Scotland revive its economy, powering a better future for the country and proving that Scotland is open for business.

Kate Forbes
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Scotland is being held back under Westminster control

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Scotland continues to be dragged down by a Westminster system that sees the UK lagging far behind our European neighbours in a wide range of socioeconomic league tables.

Kate Forbes
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Kate Forbes sets out plans for a post-Covid recovery at SNP campaign conference

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Both Votes SNP will elect a party that will put economic recovery and job creation at the heart of everything we do.

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Kate Forbes’ address to #SNP20 conference

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With independence, we can and will create a wealthier, fairer, greener country – and an economy that values its citizens and contributes to their collective wellbeing.

Kate Forbes
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Delivering support for Scotland’s businesses to meet the challenge of COVID-19

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This is a global public health challenge the like of which we have not faced in recent times, but we are doing everything we possibly can to protect businesses from the economic hit of coronavirus.

SNP members at the National Assembly in Ayr
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Putting decisions about Scotland’s future in the hands of the many

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Read Kate Forbes MSP on the SNP’s second National Assembly on the Sustainable Growth Commission’s report in Aviemore.

Mhairi Black with Kate Forbes
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Investing in homes and jobs in rural Scotland

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Read Kate Forbes MSP on how the Programme for Government will deliver jobs and homes in rural Scotland.