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Independence is no risk compared to the UK moving further to the right wing

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The real risk is escalating rhetoric, the rollback of rights and the embrace of Brexit across the board. Scotland deserves better than this chaos.

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Starmer must be honest about the irreversible damage of Brexit

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Labour is refusing to talk about the damage Brexit has done to research and development across these isles. A recklessly hard Brexit that the Westminster parties now wholeheartedly support.

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There’s only one route back to full EU funding – choosing independence

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Only with independence can we regain access to EU funding, structures and opportunities that were recklessly lost by Westminster’s hard Brexit.

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Brexit-obsessed Labour are out of touch with Scotland

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Only the SNP are standing up for the 70% of voters in Scotland that think Brexit has been a total and complete failure.

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Independence in Europe is Scotland’s best chance of a greener, fairer and more prosperous nation

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Scotland has unique strengths and experiences to bring to the table, to help foster cooperation and find 21st century solutions to 21st century problems.

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It’s time to take our activism back onto the streets of Scotland

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In 2023, with support for independence galvanised across Scotland, it’s the time to reinvigorate the movement.

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Keir Starmer’s view of Scotland is flatly wrongheaded

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Labour’s offer for Scotland is all about preserving and strengthening the Union, not the principle of good governance.

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The devolution settlement isn’t good enough – Scotland has outgrown it

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Scotland has come a long way since 1997, and the collapse of integrity and credibility at Westminster leaves the UK with an indefensible and unsustainable democratic deficit.

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China’s human rights violations matter to us all – it’s time the UK government takes a stand

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As internationalists, it matters to us that human rights international law is respected and strengthened. As Hong Kong’s freedoms are under attack from China, it’s time the UK government shows where it stands.