Westminster’s mayhem is hurting families – and only the SNP are offering an alternative

A new poll found has found eight in 10 people expect January to be the toughest month yet financially.

With food costs and energy bills still putting a strain on everyone’s finances, it’s no wonder folk are disillusioned with the Westminster bubble.

The survey, conducted by Nationwide, showed that 84% of Britons are worried about January spending, with 43% blaming high energy costs and 37% blaming the cost of living crisis.

It comes following Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, confirming his party would not redistribute wealth from the richest to the poorest if they win the next general election, nor properly invest in renewable energy.

Over the past year, Sir Keir has forensically dismantled Labour’s policy platform and performed a series of screeching u-turns.

Free university tuition? Scrapping tax breaks for private schools? Abolishing the bedroom tax and two child cap? Taxing higher earners? Investing £28 billion in the just transition? Voters have watched on in horror as the Labour leadership have jettisoned each and every policy.

The Labour Party in now indistinguishable from the Tories when it comes to policy. Starmer was even unwilling to stand up and call for a ceasefire in Gaza until there were similar noises from Tory politicians.

Dumping policies, forsaking values and dodging decisions is all that characterises the Labour leader, who the public rightly do not trust. As such, Labour is failing working people while the Tories scramble to the hard right of the political spectrum and sink into internecine conflict.

It’s clearer than ever before that neither of the Westminster parties are focused on the people’s priorities – they’re too preoccupied with image, internal squabbles and their own electoral prospects.

With each passing day, it’s clear that only the SNP are offering voters an alternative to this Westminster-made cost of living crisis.

Households across these isles are crying out for support, with this latest poll indicating 84% of people are concerned that this will be the toughest month yet.

And for many of them, it will be. It will certainly feel like it, as the temperatures dip, prices remain high and the Westminster leaves them to suffer.

Only the SNP are championing the investment needed to boost economic growth, expand our exciting renewable sector, and protect our NHS for households right across Scotland.

This election can’t come soon enough – and when it does, it’ll be clear to voters in Scotland that Labour and the Tories are just two sides of the same coin.

The SNP stand to actually make a real difference for people and deliver the change they need. Goodness knows that after decades of boom and bust with this lot, they deserve it.