The SNP will always defend Scotland’s democracy
The democratic will of Scotland’s Parliament is under attack.
Our nation’s Parliament belongs to the people of Scotland and when legislation, passed by a cross-party majority of MSPs, is blocked by a Tory Westminster Government, your SNP Government has a duty to defend democracy and devolution.
Today, I have announced that the Scottish Government will challenge the undemocratic section 35 veto on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill.
While we all know there are a range of views on this Bill, this Tory government’s veto on devolved matters is not about the substance of the Bill, but about the principle of undermining the Scottish Parliament.
If unchallenged, it sends a signal that the UK Government can veto any legislation they disagree with, at a whim.
Of course, Scotland’s democracy can only be fully protected with the powers of independence, but we know if you give the Tories an inch, they’ll take a mile and undermine devolution and our Parliament at every given opportunity.
No ifs, no buts, no maybes. The will of the Scottish people and our Parliament must be respected.First Minister Humza Yousaf
Shirley-Anne Somerville has therefore informed MSPs that your SNP Government will lodge a petition for a judicial review of the Tories’ use of section 35.
Westminster gave no advance notice of this attack, asked for no amendments to the Bill in its nine-month passage through Parliament and refused outright to work with the Scottish Government on any potential changes.
A legal challenge is now our only means of defending our Parliament’s democracy from the Westminster veto.
Be in no doubt, the SNP under my leadership will always defend Scotland’s democracy.

Join the SNP today and defend Scotland’s democracy
Scotland hasn’t voted for the Tories since the 1950s, and yet a Westminster Tory government we rejected is attempting to veto laws democratically passed in our Scottish Parliament.
This is a blatant attack on devolution and Scotland’s democratic will – and we won’t stand by and simply allow that to happen.
Play your part in standing up for Scotland, and make your voice heard, by joining the SNP from just £1 a month.