Hands off Scotland’s powers!
In 2014, Scotland was promised more powers and a “partnership of equals”. Now, the Tories – who want to “reverse” devolution – are imposing a Westminster power grab and attacking Holyrood.
Voting Labour gives the Tories what they want
Scotland deserves better than a pale imitation of the Tories.
Tories caught eyeing up barrels of cash while families suffer
Instead of tackling the cost-of-living crisis, the Tories are busy eyeing up secondary-incomes.
Independence is the only way to escape the shambles of Brexit
In the last 3 years since Brexit, the UK’s economy has lost £100 billion a year, the trade deficit has grown and it’s now the worst performing economy in the G7.
There is no difference between the Tories and Labour
What does the Prime Minister consider to be the greatest achievement of his party?
While Scotland tackles poverty, Westminster control increases it
Scotland introduced the Scottish Child Payment to tackle child poverty. The UK imposed a Universal Credit cut on families. Let’s build a fairer country with independence, free from Westminster control.
Scotland can’t afford the cost of living with Westminster
Tory MPs are busy falling over themselves trying to prove themselves as the next Thatcher. Meanwhile, the Tory cost-of-living crisis worsens and families are unable to afford to put food on the table.
Westminster mismanagement punishes Scottish renewables
Energy providers in Scotland are forced to pay the highest transmission charges in Europe, set at Westminster.
We’re in a Tory cost of living crisis, and the UK government is punishing our renewable sector and failing to tackle soaring energy costs.
Tories must U-turn on loans sending families into energy debt
Tories partied throughout lockdown and now they’re partying through this cost of living crisis, ignoring the struggles people are facing.
Tories have chosen poverty over tackling the cost of living crisis
Rishi Sunak could have introduced an emergency package of support for families to help tackle this Tory cost of living crisis. Instead, he choose to bury his head in the sand and continue with his austerity agenda.
UK government must introduce a windfall tax to help tackle the cost of living
It’s time for the UK government to introduce a windfall tax. Large companies who made excessive profits must pay their share to help struggling families.
Tories’ refugee response slowest and most incompetent in Europe
The Tories’ response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis is a disgrace – creating the slowest, most bureaucratic and incompetent response in the whole of Europe.
Mhairi Black eviscerates Boris Johnson’s record
80% of people in Scotland want Boris Johnson to resign, but the Scottish Secretary thinks he’s “doing a fantastic job”.
Hands off Scotland’s powers
In 2014, Scotland was promised a “partnership of equals”. Now, Boris Johnson – who thinks devolution is a “disaster” – is pursuing a power grab and an assault on the Scottish Parliament.
Tories rip up anti-corruption rules at Westminster
Today, Tories voted against suspending one of their own MPs after the standards committee found an “egregious” breach of corruption rules. It’s one rule for them, and another for the rest of us.
Westminster chose austerity, they must own the responsibility
Boris Johnson’s government may claim that they are different – but it is their party that chose to impose austerity.
Tories betrayed Scotland on carbon capture and storage
In 2014, the UK government promised Scotland a new carbon capture and storage facility. Now, they’ve broken that promise and chose to divert funding to England instead.
Scottish industry leader tears into Tories for Brexit damage
James Withers, Scottish food and drink industry leader, says the UK government is “divorced from reality” on Brexit. From food shortages, to fuel shortages and rising prices, we’re all paying for this Tory Brexit.
Douglas Ross: a vote for the SNP is a vote for a referendum
Douglas Ross: “People have to be really clear that a vote for the SNP is a vote for another independence referendum”. Scotland voted SNP in record numbers, with the most votes any party has ever received in a Scottish election.
Tory Universal Credit will push more people into poverty
All parties in the Scottish Parliament united to reject the cruel Universal Credit cut that will push thousands into poverty. All parties apart from one – the Scottish Tories.
Boris Johnson’s Covid statements prove he is simply not fit for office
The pattern from this UK Tory government has been clear throughout the pandemic – it’s one rule for them and another for the rest of us.
Baroness Davidson is running away from democracy
The House of Lords has no democratic legitimacy and neither does Baroness Ruth Davidson.
Tories don’t sanction those who publish racism, they promote them
Ian Blackford takes Boris Johnson and this Tory government to task for their history of racism and failure to stand up to actions of racists.
Tories’ callous international austerity will cost lives
SNP MPs voted to reject the Tories’ callous cuts to international aid and keep the promises to our fellow global citizens.
David Linden eviscerates toxic Tory migration policies
Tories say they want to prevent illegal crossings – but won’t open up any safe and legal routes. They say they’re ‘compassionate’ – but are cutting international aid for the vulnerable.
Boris Johnson reacts to the misuse of vital COVID funds
It’s a scandal that in the midst of the pandemic, Tory ministers were misusing emergency COVID contracts for constitutional campaigning – instead of saving lives.