Re-elect Clare Adamson for Motherwell and Wishaw
As your representative in the last two sessions of the Scottish Parliament I have achieved much for Motherwell and Wishaw.
- Member of the Steel Task Force which secured jobs and production at the Dalzell Mill.
- Championing Safety and Accident Prevention issues.
- Driving change in Cancer pathways through my work on Pancreatic Cancer.
- Improving outcomes for care experienced young people.
As a Convener in the Scottish Parliament, I have had pivotal roles in:
- The establishment of the new Scottish Social Security system.
- Delivery of the new Scottish Child Payment and Young Carer’s Grant.
- Redress Scotland, providing support for those who experienced historic abuse while in the care of state.
- The Lobbying Register.
The SNP Government have done, and are offering, so much to support families with:
- The Baby Box.
- 1140 hours childcare.
- The Young Person’s Guarantee.
- Exempting under 22 year olds from Council Tax.
But this is only the start – and we can do so much more.
If re-elected, the SNP has pledged to:
- Double the Scottish Child Payment to £20 per week.
- Give a digital device, with free internet access, to every pupil in Scotland.
- Free breakfast and lunch for all primary pupils all year round.
- Establish a National Care Service.
A vote for the SNP is a vote for a more equal, fairer Scotland.
And it’s a vote to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.
On May 6, we can choose to keep delivering progress, put Scotland’s recovery firmly into Scotland’s hands – not Boris Johnson’s.
To elect a strong Team SNP to take Scotland forward, vote for Clare Adamson in the Motherwell and Wishaw constituency, and for the SNP on the Central Scotland regional list.
Here’s why Both Votes SNP really matters 👇