National Campaign Council

The first National Council of 2024 will take place at Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street, Perth, on Saturday 16 March starting at 11:00.

There are 2 ways for members to attend:

1. Delegate

If you would like to be a Council delegate, which gives you the right to speak and vote on resolutions, please contact your Branch or Constituency Association Secretary, whose details can be found in the ‘My Branch’ section of My SNP.

2. Member Visitor

Any member of the SNP can attend the event as a Member Visitor. Member Visitors are unable to speak or vote on resolutions but you can join us for all the keynote speeches, and listen to all the policy debates.

You can purchase your Member Visitor Pass online here.


Friday 26 January 2024, 09h00 – Deadline for Resolutions
Friday 2 February 2024 – Publication of Provisional Agenda
Friday 1 March 2024, 09h00 – Deadline for Amendments
Friday 8 March 2024 – Publication of Final Agenda
Saturday 16 March 2024 – National Council

Please submit your resolutions and amendments to


There will be BSL interpreters during all sessions on the main stage, as well as closed captioning.

If you have other accessibility requirements, please send an email to before Monday 4 March to allow time to make the necessary arrangements.

Contact Us

If you have any questions before the National Council please email

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