A fairer, more equal Scotland, A Public Meeting with Shirley-Anne Somerville
SNP Inchkeith Branch is delighted to welcome Shirley-Anne Somerville, MSP for Dunfermline and the Cabinest Secretary for Social Justice, for the latest in our series of public meetings about building a better Scotland.
Come to the meeting to hear about what the SNP and the Scottish Government are doing to tackle poverty, develop our new, fairer social security system, and mitigate the worst effects of Tory austerity.
We’d love to hear your questions, thoughts and ideas on how to build that better Scotland, and how with the full powers of independence we’ll be able to end poverty for good.
Anyone is welcome, but please register here so we can have an idea of the numbers.
While the event is free to attend, please make a donation (either on Eventbrite or on the door) if you’re able to. The general election isn’t far away, and we need to raise funds for crucial campaigning!
There will also be a raffle at the event, and a bar serving drinks and refreshments.
You can get your tickets here.